Causeway Bay, Hong Kong in 1996, carrying baby and children products including furniture, bed and bath goods, baby wear and accessories, toys and gifts.

We Clean with our HEARTS! You can depend of us as Easy Care has been in the market since 1985. Established in 1985, Easy Care Carpet Systems Limited has been specializing in carpet maintenance servic
E商業 / 清潔及滅蟲Easy Care Carpet Systems Ltd.

As a professional trade media in Hong Kong, Global Sources Publications Ltd. has been promoting global trade between worldwide buyers & suppliers for over two decades by offering first-hand marke
G商業 / 會社、組織及團體Global Sources Publications Ltd.

訂做汽車真皮座椅、真皮門板、各類真皮內飾 桃木真皮車盤 內蓬換絨或布料、開蓬車軟蓬訂做, 更換尾透明膠 訂做地毯、地台底毯、隔音工程 百摺窗簾 專業裝貼防爆隔熱玻璃膜

牌子: 寶馬 賣家: 駿陞汽車發展(香港)有限公司 型號: 330IA 電話: 94867428 (李生) 制造: 2005 年 地點時間: 無所謂 氣缸: 2996 c.c. (電油) 價錢 $258,000 波箱: +/- 波 車種: 私家車 > 房車 貨源: 行貨 顏色: 炭灰色 新舊: 1手 呔位: 右呔 載客數量: 5 人 首次登記: 2005 年 行車里數: 公里 政府牌費:

此外,我們亦為金快達有限公司 (Goldfinder (HK) Ltd.) 的合作夥伴,在提供上述產品服務外,亦有日本及中國之遊戲機、獎品機、彩票機、推幣機等消閒玩樂設施之代理買賣,配合市場需要和客戶業務拓展。
U消閒及娛樂 / 好去處UNION 2000 LIMITED


Our objectives are:to promote and protect the interests of Hong Kong garment manufacturers and merchants ;to research into all matters affecting the interests of the trade;
F商業 / 會社、組織及團體Federation of Hong Kong Garment Manfacturers

Our aims were and are to promote better communication between professional groomer's,to encourage our members to improve their skills and to establish better public relations.
寵物 / 會社、組織及團體香港專業寵物美容師協會有限公司

Global Win Vehicle Co., Ltd. from China, is a subsidiary company of WKK group, Our group wholly controls or partly invests into 5 factories which are having more than 50 various products in 5 series

Categories: Wedding Accessories、Custom Text Roses、Roses With Photos of Your Choice、Create Your Own Peronalized Bouquets、Rose in a Box、 Flower with Vase
P鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Personalized Roses Hong Kong

詳細婚前健康檢查 No. Female No. Male 1. 體格檢查 Physical Check up 包括 : 查詢個人及家族病歷、計算體重、量度身高及血壓 1. 體格檢查 Physical Check up 包括 : 查詢個人及家族病歷、計算體重、量度身高及血壓 2. 全血計 CBC 2. 全血計 CBC 3. 鐵 Iron 3. 乙型肝炎表面抗原 Hepatitis B Surfac
S健康及醫療 / 身體檢查Silver Cross Medical Group

特選婦女檢查 1. 體格檢查 Physical Check up 包括 : 查詢個人及家族病歷、計算體重、量度身高及血壓 2. 柏氏子宮頸癌細胞塗片檢查 Pap smear 3. 念珠菌及滴蟲檢查 Trichomonas & Monilia (T&M) Smear 4 小便常規檢查 Urine Routine 另加項目: 1 衣原體抗體 Chlamydia antibody Sp
S健康及醫療 / 身體檢查Silver Cross Medical Group

基本婚前健康檢查 No. Female No. Male 1. 體格檢查 Physical Check up 包括 : 查詢個人及家族病歷、計算體重、量度身高及血壓 1. 體格檢查 Physical Check up 包括 : 查詢個人及家族病歷、計算體重、量度身高及血壓 2. 全血計 CBC 2. 全血計 CBC 3. 鐵 Iron 3. 乙型肝炎表面抗原 Hepatitis B Surfac
S健康及醫療 / 身體檢查Silver Cross Medical Group

女性癌症篩檢計劃 - 體格檢查 Physical Check up 包括 : 查詢個人及家族病歷、計算體重、量度身高及血壓 - 全血計 CBC - 紅血球沉降率 ESR - 甲種胚胎蛋白(肝) AFP (GI tract, Liver) - 癌胚抗原 (結腸) CEA (colorectal) - 鼻咽癌病毒抗體 EBV serology (NPC) - 癌抗原125 (卵巢) CA 125 (
S健康及醫療 / 身體檢查Silver Cross Medical Group

申請 專用 VIP 卡,並依據車種及類別提供高達每公升 HK$3.50 油卡優惠、油卡折扣、燃油折扣優惠。詳情請參照申請表上之細則

聯絡人 : Mrs. Joanne 聯絡電話 : 60686984 電郵 : [email protected] MSM : [email protected] 網址 : Description 內容 The Limousine offers Hong Kong to China service Tel : Ms Joanne, (Provide
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